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Baytree School Curriculum

Golden Threads

At Baytree School we consider Communication and Independence our Golden Threads that are integrated and at the heart of all aspects of our curriculum. We strive to ensure all learners develop a personalised means of communication and the necessary independent and interdependent skills needed to thrive beyond Baytree School.

Accordion Content

At Baytree School we ensure all our learners develop a clear and personalised means of communication. Communication is integral in everything we do and is incorporated not only into every area of the curriculum but also every aspect of school life.

Baytree School provides a total communication environment to promote all learner’s opportunities to communicate, this includes use of:

  • Visual supports
  • Object of References
  • Body signing
  • Makaton
  • True Object Based Icons (TOBI’s)
  • Photos
  • Symbols including use of PECS (Picture Exchange Communication System)
  • AAC, including high tech AAC such as eyegaze technology

The communication curriculum promotes the development of pre-intentional and intentional skills through approaches such as:

  • Attention autism (bucket time) sessions
  • Intensive interaction session
  • Sensory stories and journeys
  • Structured play

In partnership with Speech and Language Therapists, focused communication sessions are planned throughout each learner’s personalised curriculum to ensure the development of their key areas of communication. This may include developing anticipation, sharing information, reciprocal communication, making choices, being able to communicate their needs, wants and wishes, social skills and awareness.

The Baytree curriculum places the development of every learner’s independence at the heart of everything we do. Independence is about enabling all learners to develop autonomy, choice, control and a sense of agency in a way that is meaningful to them.

At Baytree School independence looks beyond traditional self-care skills and focuses on what skills each learner needs to live as independently and as interdependently as possible; focusing on the development of:

  • Communication skills
  • Social skills
  • Physical mobility and dexterity
  • Emotional resilience/self-regulation
  • Functional/practical skills

At Baytree School independence is encouraged through the provision of personalised learning opportunities which:

  • Promote and encourage a healthy and safe lifestyle
  • Raise learners’ self-esteem through the recognition of personal qualities and achievements
  • Enable learners to become as independent as possible in caring for themselves
  • Promote the development of positive personal relationships with peers and adults
  • Develop learners’ understanding, tolerance of and respect for others
  • Provide experience of making informed choices, taking decisions and accepting responsibility

The development of learners’ independence underlies all teaching and learning experiences at Baytree School. It underpins each learners’ educational journey and is the ultimate goal of our school curriculum.

All learners have opportunities to develop their independence skills, through:

  • Practice in real-life situations
  • Practise skills during play
  • Roleplay events and activities
  • Creative and outdoor learning
  • Functional skills opportunities/activities
  • Use of technology
  • Use of the life skills school flat, e.g. budgeting, cooking, cleaning
  • Visits within the local community
  • Everyday life at school, e.g. turn-taking, queuing for lunch, making drinks

Baytree School learners will all have a unique starting point and pathway ahead, however, they are motivated and challenged to actively engage, participate fully and implement maximum control over their lives throughout their time at school so ultimately when they venture on beyond Baytree School they are able to transfer those skills and achievements to live as independently and interpedently as possible.

Baytree School Curriculum

Accordion Content

The intent of the Baytree School curriculum is to enable all learners to be active in their learning, develop independence and a means to effectively communicate needs, wants and wishes. Our curriculum strives to ensure all learners have the necessary skills and learning needed for their personalised next steps beyond Baytree School.

All Learners at Baytree School receive a tailored and personalised curriculum which is motivating, challenging and ensures all are developing the next steps on their learning journey.

Learning is delivered through learners EHCP outcomes via a broad, balanced, sequential and progressive curriculum which is based on a child-centred approach which enables every learner to be inspired, motivated, enjoy learning, make progress and achieve.

Through personalising the curriculum for every learner, we aim for all to acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills appropriate for their next best step.

At Baytree School we have high aspirations and expectations for all our learners.

For more information about our Curriculum, please see pages 2-9 of the following document: Baytree School Curriculum Intent

At Baytree School the intent is to deliver a tailored and personalised curriculum which is motivating, challenging and ensures all learners are developing the next steps in their learning in the key areas that really matter to their development by equipping the learner with the skills needed for their next destination.   

The assessment systems compliment the formal and holistic curriculum offer available to the learners at Baytree School ensuring all remain on track to achieve or exceed their annual medium term outcomes as well as the long term aspirational outcomes.

Baytree School Measuring Impact



(subject lead – Kimberley Richards)

At Baytree School we provide all learners with the opportunity to develop their reading skills appropriate to their skill level. We believe by using a variety of approaches to reading, we provide learners with a broad and balanced skill base to develop lifelong reading skills. By creating a culture of reading, we will nourish and embed a love of reading throughout our learners’ educational journey and beyond.

Ultimately, we prepare learners for life after Baytree School, using reading skills and knowledge to progress as independently as possible onto their planned next step. We recognise that this will be different for each learner and through our reading continuum, we enable learners to develop skills appropriate to them.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our intention for all learners is to develop their:

  • Confidence in reading, fluency and comprehension of a variety of texts that are reflective of the individual learner’s ECHP outcomes and personal learning journey. Resources and reading materials provided will be tailored to the learners needs, ensuring that they are appropriate to their abilities, level of understanding and preferred reading style
  • Phonic skills enabling all learners to have access to the curriculum, whether at the earlier stages of general sound discrimination to support the development of early reading skills and functional communication skills or the use of phonics to decode, blend and read accurately and fluently.

At Baytree School we use ‘Monster Phonics’ as our accredited phonics programme

  • Functional reading skills to gain information and keep themselves safe
  • Skills to be able to read and follow instructions 
  • The ability to access their community
  • A means to communicate wants, needs and desires 
  • The ability to take ownership of their life choices
  • A tool to use in all areas of learning
  • Enjoyment through reading

We deliver a tailored and personalised curriculum that endeavours to meet the individual needs of each learner and that reflects their preferred method of learning. 

We support the development of learners reading skills on a daily basis through our formal literacy curriculum, as well as through informal activities, such as playtime, snack time or lunchtime, and in practical situations such as play/leisure activities, cooking, visits to our local communities, shopping and travel training.

Additionally, to support our approach to systematic synthetic phonics programme (Monster Phonics), our progression documents provide clear guidance in progression of skills in each stage of reading thus supporting teachers to identify each learner’s next steps.

Teachers and teaching assistants, who have been trained in our school approaches to reading, may deliver literacy lessons through small group sessions or on a one-to-one basis, and further opportunities to practise and consolidate skills are provided throughout the day.

This is implemented through:

  • Regular timetabled phonic input (Starting from EYFS up until the end of Key Stage 3)
  • Learners in Key Stage 4/5 focus on functional reading vocabulary to support their independence and living skills
  • Guided reading sessions e.g. sensory stories, symbol books, reading schemes books
  • Pupil specific reading skill sessions
  • Regular independent reading opportunities
  • Cross curricular reading
  • Functional reading
  • Reading for pleasure
  • Home /school reading
  • Wide variety of fiction/non-fiction books
  • Access to community library facilities and Baytree school library
  • Clearly identified informal opportunities throughout the day

We follow ‘Monster Phonics’ (accredited) programme at Baytree school, as well as utilising aspects of other reading programmes to ensure that we incorporate auditory, visual and kinaesthetic approaches to our delivery of lessons to ensure that we meet learners preferred learning style, for example using jolly phonics movements and songs.

Phonics is taught across the school, as shown in Baytree Phonics Progression Documents (see the reading continuum and Baytree phonic descriptors). 

All learners will have a book assigned to their phonic level and will access reading programmes according to their key stage:

  • EYFS and KS1 learners will have access to bug club phonics,
  • KS2 learners will have access to Oxford reading tree,
  • KS3 and KS4 learners will have access to Project X and Rapid,
  • Post 16 will have access to Dockside.

This will ensure that learners have access to new and motivating reading material.

To further support their phonological development and reading skills, learners have access to online reading programmes such as:

  • Teach Your Monster to Read,
  • PhonicsPlay,
  • Bug Club,

providing further opportunities for learners to develop and consolidate their learning.

We recognise the importance of phonics as being a highly effective approach in supporting the development of reading skills, and therefore all learners have access to this across the school.

At Baytree, reading is an essential component of our learners’ ability to communicate and develop their independence skills.

We therefore provide daily opportunities to learn and develop these skills within different contexts.

Learners will focus on vocabulary, comprehension, fluency and the transference of these skills to different settings, people and activities

It is essential that we develop a love of reading both at school and in the home.

To enable this, we ensure there are regular opportunities for our learners to access reading materials of their choosing, through visiting the library, accessing books in their environment and planning story sharing sessions in to the school day.

In addition, parents are encouraged to read to their child at home and share what they have read in the school reading records.



(subject lead – Kimberley Richards)

We recognise writing as hugely important in everyday life to communicate, to allow self-expression, and to record events, thoughts, feelings and information. Fine and gross motor skills are viewed as an integral part of writing at Baytree School. It is our intent that all learners at Baytree School have the opportunity to learn and develop writing skills which are appropriate to their ability and which bring further value and enrichment to their lives, both now and in the future.

As with all our subject areas, our goals and aspirations for writing are highly personalised to each of our learners to enable them to develop skills that are functional, meaningful, enjoyable and valuable to them.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our intent for our learners is to develop:

  • Awareness and control of their bodies and their movements
  • Gross and fine motor skills to perform functional tasks
  • A means to communicate their knowledge, wants, needs, emotions and ideas with those around them and in the wider community
  • Confidence to write clearly and fluently for a range of purposes in mediums relevant to the learners needs, e.g. keyboard, touch screen, eye gaze.
  • Phonic skills at a stage appropriate to the learner, whether at the earlier stages of sound discrimination to the use of phonics in segmenting to write words
  • Functional writing skills which are purposeful in their lives now and in the future and can be used in different settings
  • Pride in their writing, in which ever form of writing they use: from the appearance of their handwriting to being able to communicate a message effectively
  • An enjoyment of writing and to be able to use it in pleasure and relaxation
  • A tool to use in all areas of their learning and their lives

Our English curriculum builds upon prior learning and offers clear progression from EYFS to Post 16.

English topics cover a broad range of areas, which give our learners opportunities to learn new writing skills, alongside having the opportunity to practice and transfer existing writing skills to other topics. Learning outcomes and writing activities are highly personalised to each of our learners and they focus on skills that are relevant, useful and purposeful to the learner.

  • Writing sessions are dependent upon our learners needs, and cover the physical aspects of writing (gross and fine motor skills) alongside the development of writing (letters, words and texts)
  • Sensory learners have gross or fine motor learning outcomes, while subject specific learners have writing focused learning outcomes
  • Our learners use a variety of different mediums to write in: touch screen, eye gaze, symbols, E-tran frame etc. Learners are supported to develop their writing skills in mediums which are most appropriate to them
  • Writing or fine motor skills are taught in discrete daily literacy sessions, alongside being used in other learning activities such as topic, maths and art, and throughout the day in breaks and playtimes
  • We promote writing at every level and support our learners to be confident in the different skills involved in writing

This is implemented through:

Early Years

Middle School

Upper School

Role-play corner

Imaginative play

Busy bugs gym

Nursery rhymes

Play environments, e.g. sand pit.


Exploration / sensory play

Writing poems, stories and rhymes

Outdoor learning and forest school


Functional Writing, e.g. shopping lists, science instruction.

Functional gross and fine motor activities e.g. using pegs, using a switch to activate a music system.

Duke of Edinburgh (KS4)

Gross and fine-motor skills for independent living, e.g. using kitchen equipment.

Writing for independent living e.g. writing a recipe, writing directions to get to the train station.

Writing to access and be involved in the community, in enterprise projects and in careers and work experience

Use in college


We recognise that learning to write is closely linked to a learner’s physical development. Therefore, developing our learner’s gross and fine motor skills is of high importance. Approaches include:

  • Physical management, including following physiotherapy and occupational therapy plans
  • Pencil grip skills
  • Pencil control activities
  • Scissor skills
  • Mark making
  • Cause and effect activities
  • Eye tracking
  • Eye-pointing
  • Gross-motor games
  • Write dance
  • Disco Dough
  • Creative arts
  • Tracing and copying shapes
  • Functional fine-motor activities
  • Learners are supported in a variety of ways to make progress from mark making and letter formation to forming sentences and writing for different purposes.
  • Approaches are personalised to learners and will use learner’s own communication and writing mediums, e.g. E-tran frame, Eye gaze, VOCA, symbols, touch screen.
  • At Baytree, writing is viewed as an activity which communicates and records information, feelings, ideas, thoughts and experiences.
  • Methods are dependent upon learners’ needs and skills and may include eye gaze, PECS, using a communication aid, computer aided programmes, using objects, photos, symbols, typing and using an adult as a scribe. All are valued at Baytree and learners are taught how to use these and how to further their skills in these.


Speaking and listening

(subject lead – Kate Lewis)

At Baytree School Communication is one of our ‘Golden Threads’ and underpins everything that we do.  We aim to provide all learners with the opportunity to develop their Receptive and Expressive Communication skills to their fullest, appropriate to their physical and cognitive levels. 

We believe in using a ‘Total Communication’ approach to develop learners Communication, to enable lifelong, transferable skills. 

Teaching strategies and resources provide an individual Receptive and Expressive Communication approach for all.

This forms part of a multi professional approach undertaken with the support and advice, where appropriate, from the Speech and Language Therapy team, BCAS (Bristol Communication Aid Service), and other professionals.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our intention for all learners is to develop the abilities to:

  • communicating their basic needs and feelings.
  • make choices – of what to eat, what to do, where to go or who to be with.
  • listen and understand what is being asked, or told to them.
  • be able to share news and information
  • understand what is happening to them
  • express their likes and dislikes
  • comment on a range of subjects
  • advocate for themselves

It is anticipated that initially our learners will communicate most effectively with those well known to them but our aim is that they will become confident communicators with less familiar people in a wide range of settings and situations.

Total Communication at Baytree includes: 

  • Intensive Interaction,
  • On-body signing,
  • Blinking,
  • Objects of Reference,
  • Sounds of Reference,
  • Smells of Reference,
  • Eye pointing,
  • Vocalisations,
  • Body language,
  • Eye Gaze technology,
  • Switches,
  • TOBIS,
  • Photos,
  • Symbols,
  • Chat mats,
  • Makaton signing,
  • VOCAs,
  • as well the spoken word and many others.

At Baytree School we teach and use Communication skills throughout each day in every activity.

It happens in our formal literacy curriculum as well as during all other activities, such as:

  • playtime,
  • snack time,
  • personal care or lunchtime,
  • practical situations such as choosing,
  • play/leisure activities,
  • cooking,
  • shopping
  • travelling around the school

This is implemented through:

  • Regular Timetabled sessions – often part of Literacy lessons
  • Pupil specific Communication/speaking and listening core skill sessions
  • Regular independent skill opportunities
  • Cross curricular opportunities
  • Wide variety of resources i.e. skill base and leisure activities
  • Clearly identified informal opportunities throughout the day
  • Playtime/social opportunities
  • Opportunities to communicate with a range of people to develop skills

Early Years



Post 16

Intensive interaction

Eye contact


Child initiated learning

Role play / home corner

Imaginative play e.g. small world

Music Therapy


Sensory work

SALT programmes

Exploration / sensory play

Songs / Rhymes

Attention Autism (Bucket Time)

Tac Pac

Dance Massage

Music Therapy

Rebound Therapy


Following instructions

Sensory work

SALT programmes

Functional Communication

Listening games

Communicating messages and information

Dance Massage

Rebound Therapy


Following and giving instructions

Sensory work

Out in the community


Communicating to access the community

Communicating with others less known e.g. when shopping

Enterprise projects

Travel training

Following and giving instructions

Sensory work

Out in the community


Social Scripts

Answering phones

College courses


Work Experience

The Baytree Curriculum includes sequential Schemes of Work, which reflect areas of learning and progression of skills. The table below reflects an example of these generalised skills, for Communication, for our groups of learners.

Sensory Learners

Subject specific Learners

Objects of Reference

Sounds of Reference

Body Signing

E-Tran Frames





Olfactory cues

Eye pointing

Eye Gaze Technology


Visual Scanning

Visual Cues

Auditory Scanning

Attend to or track objects

Locate and indicate items

Cause and effect

“more” / “finished” / “Gone”


Attention building and developing concentration


Communication books


Chat mats

Social Stories


Taking and replying messages

Using the telephone

Communicating with less familiar people – shopping, library etc.

Peer to peer communication

Articulation work

Social scrips


By creating an environment that values communication, we encourage our learners to listen and understand, request and comment, and express themselves both within school, their homes and in their wider communities preparing them to be confident communicators as they prepare for life after Baytree School.


(subject lead – Carol Orum)

At Baytree School we view mathematical and numeracy skills as core basic life skills, to enable our learners to reach their potential. 

We provide our learners with a broad and balanced functional skills base, covering all areas of strands of the National Curriculum, in order to enable our learners to be as independent as possible, throughout their school career and beyond into their adult lives.

We aim for our learners to develop those skills that will be functional e.g. number, time, money, problem solving, sequencing, measurement, spacial awareness, and therefore practical and can be generalised into everyday life e.g. timetables, games.

Mathematics is seen to be crucial to an individual’s understanding of the way the world is ordered and a means to communicate information and ideas.

We recognise that this will be different for each learner and adapt our broad and balanced curriculum to meet the needs of the individual learners.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Our intent is for all learners to develop proficient Mathematical skills:

  • To use in practical situations
  • To access in everyday life
  • To understand information presented in different ways
  • To access the community
  • The ability to take ownership of life choices
  • Tools to use in all areas of learning
  • Enjoyment in using them
  • Confidence to use them

At Baytree School we recognise Mathematics is essential to everyday life, critical to science, technology and engineering, and necessary for financial literacy and most forms of employment.

A high-quality mathematics education therefore provides a foundation for understanding the world, the ability to reason mathematically, an appreciation of the beauty and power of mathematics, and a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subject.

This is implemented through:

The approaches to pedagogy used are personalised to the individual learner, and develop through the key stages so they are age appropriate and allow consolidation, mastering and transference of skills.


Early Years



Post 16

Exploration / sensory play

Games e.g. peek a boo

Early years play / toys

Role play / home corner

Imaginative play e.g. small world

Play environments e.g. tents, tuff spots, paddling pool

Switch work

ICT – apps, computer programmes, See and Learn

Outdoor learning i.e. Forest school, CIL

Number actions, within other lessons e.g. drum beats, pop music beats

Count down to events

Price tags

Shopping lists


Weights e.g. in cookery

Counting for purpose e.g. teaspoons in drinks

Laying the table

Numbers in the community i.e. lifts, doors, shop isles

Switch work

ICT – apps, computer   programmes, RM maths

Enterprise projects

Working in school shop

Work experience


Travel training

Price comparisons e.g. on websites

Sensory Learners

Subject specific Learners

Attend to / track objects

Locate / indicate items

Object permanence

Cause and effect

“more” / “finished” / “Gone”

Grasping / releasing


Attention building / concentration

Combining / changing / exploration

Experience mathematical language

One to one correspondence

Number / quantity awareness


1 more / 1 less

Matching numerals

Numeral recognition, in a variety of contexts


Counting on / up / down / number lines

Place values (HTU)

1:1 correspondence


Recognise quantities

Match numerals to quantities

Doubling / Halving

Addition / subtraction

Multiplication / division

Odd / even

Coin recognition / using money



Ordinal number

Tally charts

Symbols e.g. %

Within Mathematics learners are provided with opportunities to:

  • Develop skills and knowledge to assist in independence and everyday life e.g. reading numbers
  • Develop knowledge, skills and understanding to solve problems in a variety of contexts e.g. requesting quantities
  • Develop a conceptual framework to aid understanding of their immediate environment and the world around them e.g. time
  • Gain confidence and competence with numbers and measures, and ways in which information is gathered and presented in clocks, diagrams, books and tables etc
  • Develop skills that can be used for leisure activities
  • Promote confidence and raise learners self-esteem to use Mathematical concepts, emphasising number and its uses.

Learning within Mathematics is undertaken in a wide variety of contexts;

  • Through the sequential formal curriculum whereby learners follow and progress through schemes of work
  • Creative and Inclusive planning
  • Implementation 14 – 19 curriculum
  • Accreditation – AQA
  • Reinforcement of skills within everyday life experiences
  • Teaching and learning styles including individual, small group and whole class
  • Augmented communication systems e.g. Makaton signs and symbols, PECS, ICT
  • A variety of sensory approaches, dependent upon the individual needs
  • Cross-curricular links are in place in order to support the generalisation of skills and knowledge.


(subject lead – Lottie Pimm)

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) forms part of the core curriculum offer at Baytree School:

  • EYFS – personal, social, emotional development – physical development, communication and language
  • KS1-4 – PSHE Association framework – Baytree School sequential schemes of work
  • POST 16 – Preparation for Adulthood – Good Health, employability, Independent living skills, Friends, Relationships and Community – EQUALs functional English/Maths – PSD/Health and Wellbeing Curriculum
pshe logo
Accordion Content

Personal, Social & Health Education (PSHE) forms part of the core curriculum at Baytree School, and is viewed as an important subject in realising our aim for learners to be as independent as possible throughout their school career and beyond into their adult lives.

At Baytree School we follow the PSHE Association SEND framework                        

  • At Baytree School we provide all learners with the skills and ability to manage their independence, mental health, well-being and develop positive and respectful relationships through our PSHE Curriculum.
  • By creating a culture of understanding, acceptance and challenge we develop a positive and open approach to supporting our learner’sjourney at Baytree and beyond.
  • Ultimately, we want our learners to be prepared for life after Baytree School, using skills and knowledge to progress as independently and confidently as possible onto their planned next step.

Our intention for all learners is to develop:


  • Engaging and developing positive friendships with peers.
  • Understanding of what ‘safe relationships’ are with their peers and those supporting them.
  • An understanding of their own feelings and emotions and how to communicate them to others safely.
  • How our learners manage their behaviour/s independently and safely.
  • Acceptable behaviours in school and the community.
  • Encourage our learners to seek help and support independently.
  • To develop individual communication tools/aids appropriate to the individual.
  • How to make the ‘right’ choices and express their needs, wants and feelings positively
  • Increase their social and emotional confidence.
  • Their responsibility to themselves as well as other people.
  • Understanding of their own personal safety.

The Baytree School curriculum places the development of every learner’s independence at the heart of everything we do. Independence is about enabling all learners to develop autonomy, choice, control and a sense of agency in a way that is meaningful to them.

At Baytree School independence looks beyond traditional self-care skills and focuses on what skills each learner needs to live as independently and as interdependently as possible; focusing on the development of:

  • Communication skills
  • Social skills
  • Physical mobility and dexterity
  • Emotional resilience/self-regulation
  • Functional/practical skills

At Baytree School independence is encouraged through the provision of personalised learning opportunities which:

  • Promote and encourage a healthy and safe lifestyle
  • Raise learners’ self-esteem through the recognition of personal qualities and achievements
  • Enable learners to become as independent as possible in caring for themselves
  • Promote the development of positive personal relationships with peers and adults
  • Develop learners’ understanding, tolerance of and respect for others
  • Provide experience of making informed choices, taking decisions and accepting responsibility

The development of learners’ independence underlies all teaching and learning experiences at Baytree School. It underpins each learners’ educational journey and is the ultimate goal of our school curriculum.

All learners have opportunities to develop skills through:

  • Practice in real-life situations
  • Practise skills during play
  • Roleplay events and activities
  • Creative and outdoor learning
  • Functional skills opportunities/activities
  • Use of technology
  • Use of the life skills school flat, e.g. budgeting, cooking, cleaning
  • Visits within the local community
  • Everyday life at school, e.g. turn-taking, queuing for lunch, making drinks

Ultimately, we want our learners to prepare for life after Baytree School, using skills and knowledge to progress as independently and confidently as possible onto their planned next step. We recognise that this will be different for each learner and through our PSHE curriculum we enable learners to develop skills appropriate to them.

At Baytree School we follow the PSHE Association SEND framework for learners in KS1-4:   


The Curriculum is organised into six sections:

  1. Self-Awareness (Me, who I am, my likes, dislikes, strengths and interests)
  2. Self-care, Support and Safety (Looking after myself and keeping safe; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education.)
  3. Managing Feelings (Understanding feelings, and that how I feel and how others feel affects choices and behaviour; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
  4. Changing and Growing (How I and others are changing; new opportunities and responsibilities; aspects of Relationships and Sex Education)
  5. Healthy Lifestyles (Being and keeping healthy, physically and mentally)
  6. The World I Live In (Living confidently in the wider world)


Within PSHE, increased independence is encouraged through the provision of opportunities which:


  • Promote and encourage a healthy and safe lifestyle
  • Raise learners’ self-esteem through the recognition of personal qualities and achievements
  • Enable learners to become as independent as possible in caring for themselves
  • Promote the development of positive personal relationships with peers and adults
  • Develop learners’ understanding, tolerance of and respect for others
  • Establish clear limits and expectations in order to promote positive attitudes and patterns of behaviour
  • Provide experience of making informed choices, taking decisions and accepting responsibility

Learning within PSHE is undertaken in a wide variety of contexts:

  • the ongoing practice of self-help skills such as eating & dressing,
  • incidental learning throughout the course of the school day
  • through the formal curriculum whereby learners at each Key Stage follow a sequential programme of schemes of work or discrete modules of learning focussing on a relevant and appropriate theme from national curriculum guidance documents

Our Intent of the RSE Curriculum:

RSE is delivered through our Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) programme and gives learners opportunities to:

  • Raise their self-esteem and confidence, so they are happy with themselves and their relationships with others
  • Prepare for and positively manage the changes that occur to their bodies, minds and emotions as they grow from childhood to adulthood
  • Understand the nature of positive human relationships and what traits and personal attributes will empower them to keep themselves safe and help them to flourish
  • Recognise unhealthy relationships and know how to make safe and healthy decisions, including in the online world
  • Develop understanding, tolerance and empathy for other people who may be different from them
  • Prepare themselves for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of adult life and to develop resilience when facing difficult situations
  • Understand where to access information and support safely

How learner’s needs are met will look different across the school due to the wide range of needs learners at Baytree School. Well-being encompasses all of the essential skills and relationships, sex and health education.

 At Baytree School we provide all learners with the skills and ability to manage their mental health, well-being and develop positive and respectful relationships through our PSHE Curriculum. 

By creating a culture of understanding, acceptance and challenge we develop a positive and open approach to supporting our learner’s journey at Baytree and beyond.  

Ultimately, we want our learners to be prepared for life after Baytree School, using skills and knowledge to progress as independently and confidently as possible onto their planned next step.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) is lifelong learning about physical, moral, social, cultural and emotional development. It is about understanding the importance of positive relationships and of respect, love and care.  Within this context, it also involves learning about sex and sexual health at an age-appropriate stage of learners development.

Relationships Education, Relationships and Sex Education and Health Education guidance (


(subject lead – Kat Edy)

We have constructed an ambitious PE curriculum which is sequenced and varied to allow the development of a wide variety of physical skills and knowledge that will help all learners reach their individual next steps.  It is designed to promote independence and a healthy life style as well as develop and maintain life, self-help and social skills appropriate to each learner to enable them to engage in the world around them.

We recognise the importance and need for a wide breadth of experience, and strive to give them opportunities to cover a wide range of activities, and to experience being taught by specialists.

Accordion Content

Our Intent for all learners is to develop:

  • Gross motor skills to develop body and spatial awareness
  • Fine motor skills to develop hand eye coordination and dexterity
  • The ability to access their community in a variety of ways
  • Skills and knowledge to make healthy life choices
  • Skills to work as a team and participate in appropriate events
  • The knowledge to exercise safely
  • Enjoyment through physical activities


This is implemented through:

  • Regular Timetabled physical education sessions altered termly to access a wide variety of sports
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Timetabled swimming slots at local leisure pool for specific learners
  • Visits to local leisure centres
  • Visits to play parks
  • Playtime sessions
  • Bike sessions in playground
  • Class/individual sessions in sensory den
  • Yoga
  • Table Cricket
  • Horse Riding and stable management (Urchinwood Manor Riding)
  • Flamingo Chicks (external dance company)
  • Rebound therapy
  • Forest School
  • Local walks
  • Joint local school events/competitions (links with NSSPEA)
  • Dance therapy for individual learners
  • Dance Massage
  • Drama therapy for individual learners
  • Sensory Massage
  • Tacpac
  • Individual physiotherapy sessions
  • Individual sensory processing diet (provided by trained sensory OT)
  • Timetabled fine motor tasks e.g. TEACCH drawers, writing tasks, sensory play, switch work
  • Clearly identified informal opportunities throughout the day e.g. time in walkers and standing frames
  • Visiting sporting experts


The approaches to pedagogy used are personalised to the individual learner and progress sequentially through the key stages so they are age appropriate and allow consolidation, mastering and transference of skills.


Early Years



Post 16

Equipment exploration – busy bugs

Shared Play

Sensory play e.g. different textured balls

Child initiated learning

Local walks

Wake and Shake

Role play

Physical Narratives e.g. Bear Hunt

Horse Riding

Flamingo Chicks


Forest School

Visits to play parks

Yoga/Dance Massage – body awareness and poses

Pair and small group work e.g. rolling/passing ball

Target Practise

Exploring a variety of movements with different body parts e.g. jumping, throwing, rolling.

Interschool competitions/ events

Horse riding

Sensory Diets

Flamingo Chicks

Weekly visits to local swimming pool

Outdoor Adventure programme


Team games

Interschool competitions/ events

Calvet Trust

Horse Riding

Flamingo Chicks


Visits to local gym

Duke of Edinburgh award

Orienteering self around local community e.g. finding bus stop

Competitions/ events

AQA framework

Flamingo Chicks


Alongside the formal PE curriculum offer, learners also access a bespoke therapeutic curriculum which supports the development of physical gross and fine motor skills skills:

  • Rebound therapy
  • Music therapy 
  • Hydrotherapy
  • Tac Pac
  • Sherbourne Movement
  • Intensive Interaction
  • Dance Therapy
  • Drama Therapy
  • Attention Autism

Learners at Baytree School are also supported by a range of professionals in the development of core physical skills:

  • Physiotherapists
  • Occupational therapists
  • Hydro- therapists
  • Dance therapists
  • Drama therapists
  • Specialist sports coaches: football, running, swimming, rugby, dance etc

Physical development, health and well-being is integral to learning. Physical health and well-being is taught both through planned sessions and is embedded throughout the day.


(subject lead – Jackie Griffiths)
At Baytree School we aim to deliver a bespoke and personalised science curriculum that engages and enthuses our learners to explore and explain the world around them. The science curriculum focuses on the skills and knowledge needed to be successful in their enquiries as well as supporting integration into the communities that they are part of.
Accordion Content
Accordion Content
 To ensure that all learners:  
  • Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physics  
  • Develop understanding of nature, processes and methods of science through different forms of scientific enquiry that support learners to answer scientific questions about the world around them  
  • That learners are equipped with the scientific knowledge required to understand the uses and implications of science, today and for the future
  • Scientific skills are taught across the key stages to ensure a graduated approach to the development of skill and acquisition of knowledge throughout the learner’s individual exploration journey. The curriculum is personalised to ensure it is appropriate to the learner’s individual preferences as well as exposing them to new and exciting experiences that Science offers to fire up their imagination and natural curiosity.
  • Science is key to our learners developing an understanding of themselves and the world around them. Through carefully curating a curriculum focussing on nature, the processes of scientific investigation as well as the specific knowledge and understanding linked to biology, chemistry and physics our learners will be equipped with a toolkit to actively explore and engage with the world around them.


(subject leads –Amelia Braywood and Nicky Greatrex)

At Baytree School our Topic Curriculum encompasses the areas of humanities (history & geography) and creative arts.

Each learner will have opportunities for immersive and hands on experiences which will ignite their curiosity, exploring their own culture, history as well as the wider world.  Topic has tangible and effective connections across all Baytree School Curriculum subjects including the Golden Threads of Communication and Independence.

The Topic Curriculum is designed to extend the learners understanding:

  • of the world around them (past, present and future)
  • to broaden their horizons
  • have a holistic appreciation of how the world works
  • to develop life skills

The curriculum is sequential to reflect the experiences that the learners will be being exposed to throughout the school year, therefore giving a platform for each learner to develop a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the world around them.

Topic work at Baytree School enables learners to develop, transfer and generalise skills into different curriculum areas, promoting social, moral, cultural and social development and independence. Learners own interests can be built upon to support successful transitions into life beyond school.

At Baytree School our Topic curriculum is developed following PlanBee to ensure it is progressive, fun, engaging and immersive for all learners. This provides all learners a foundation for understanding themselves and others, the World around us and our impact on it, promoting and developing a sense of enjoyment, curiosity.

Accordion Content
Accordion Content

Our Intent of the Topic Curriculum is:

Topic at Baytree School encompasses the areas of humanities (history & geography) and art.

It connects the learner with his or her own culture and history as well as with the wider world.

Each learner will have opportunities for immersive and hands on experiences which will ignite their curiosity. Topic has tangible and effective connections across all subjects including the Golden Threads of Communication and Independence.

The Topic curriculum is designed to extend the learners understanding of the world around them (past, present and future); to broaden their horizons; have a holistic appreciation of how the world works; and to develop life skills.
The curriculum is sequenced to reflect the experiences that the learners will be exposed to throughout the school year, therefore providing a platform for each individual to develop a deeper and more meaningful understanding of the world around them.

Topic at Baytree School enables learners to develop and transfer skills into different environments, promoting social, moral, cultural and social development and independence. Learners own interests are built upon to support successful transitions into life beyond school.

Our intention for all learners is to develop:

  • Skills for life and raising aspirations
  • Be responsible citizenships
  • Have an understanding of themselves and others
  • An awareness of place and space
  • Communication, social, decision making and teamwork
  • Well-being, self-esteem and emotional development
  • Self-expression, imagination, inventiveness and creativity
  • A sense of pride, confidence and achievement

A fun, engaging and immersive Topic curriculum provides a foundation for understanding ourselves and others, the World around us and our impact on it, also promoting a sense of enjoyment and curiosity about the subjects.

The approaches to pedagogy used are personalised to the individual learner, and develop through the key stages so they are age appropriate and allow consolidation, mastering and transference of skills.

Examples of approaches for the topic, The World Around Me across the
different key stages:

Early YearsKS1/2KS3/4Post 16

Exploration / sensory play

Games e.g. peek a boo

Early years play / toys

Role play / home corner

Imaginative play e.g. small world

Play environments e.g. tents, tuff spots, paddling pool

Outdoor learning i.e. Forest school

Hands-on exploration of real life objects

Outdoor visits

Food play

Extending role play

Increasing independence skills

Visitors from the community

Out in the community


Developing life skills

Sessions in flat

Residential trips

Career sessions

Duke of Edinburgh Award

Enterprise projects

Working in school shop

Work experience

Charity days

Independent living skills




(subject lead – Jo Hughes)

At Baytree School the aim of the Religious Education Curriculum is to provide all learners with the knowledge, critical thinking skills, open minded and respectful attitude with which to investigate the world of religion and beliefs, and make their own decisions about what this means to them, whilst empathising what it means to those who hold those beliefs. It also aims to enable learners to grow spiritually by developing their awareness and skills of reflection, their experience of awe and wonder and their appreciation of stillness and silence. 

The RE curriculum makes a unique contribution to the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of learners and supports wider community cohesion. Religion and belief for many people forms a crucial part of their culture and identity. Our curriculum aims to reflect and celebrate our learner’s cultural heritage in order for them to develop a positive sense of their own beliefs and identity. 

The SMSC curriculum intends to develop learners Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development and understanding, in a way that provides meaningful, accessible and purposeful learning opportunities and experiences for all.  At Baytree School we aim to develop learner’s understanding and appreciation of diversity.

At Baytree School our curriculum is based upon the Discovery RE schemes of work which is reflective of the syllabus, ‘Awareness, Mystery and Value’ which is followed by all North Somerset schools.

As well as exploring their own personal values and morals we also explore modules that cover Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. Christianity is taught in every year group, with Christmas and Easter given fresh treatment each year, developing learning in a progressive way.

Accordion Content
Accordion Content

Our learners start from their own experience to ensure understanding of the concept being studied then, if appropriate, move into investigating that concept in depth from the point of view of the chosen religion.
The spiritual development of our learners will be evident in their:

  • ability to be reflective about their own beliefs (religious or otherwise) and perspective on life
  • knowledge of, and respect for, other people’s faiths, feelings and values
  • sense of enjoyment, wonder and fascination in learning about themselves, others and the world around them
  • use of imagination and creativity in their learning
  • willingness to reflect on their experiences
    The moral development of our learners will be evident in their:
  • ability to recognise the difference between right and wrong and to readily apply this understanding in their own lives, recognise legal boundaries and, in so doing, respect the civil and criminal law of England
  • understanding of the consequences of their behaviour and actions
  • Interest in investigating and offering reasoned views about moral and ethical issues and ability to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others on these issues.
    The social development of our learners will be evident in their:
  • use of a range of social skills in different contexts, for example working and socialising with other learners, including those from different religious, ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds
  • willingness to participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others and being able to resolve conflicts effectively
  • acceptance and engagement with the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs; they develop and demonstrate skills and attitudes that will allow them to participate fully in and contribute positively to life in modern Britain.
  • ability to make informed decisions that are supported by previous learning and further researching.
    The cultural development of our learners will be evident in their:
  • understanding and appreciation of the wide range of cultural influences that have shaped their own heritage and that of others
  • understanding and appreciation of the range of different cultures in the school and further afield as an essential element of their preparation for life in modern Britain
  • ability to recognise, and value, the things we share in common across
    cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities
  •  willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic, musical, sporting and cultural opportunities
  • Interest in exploring, improving understanding of and showing respect for different faiths and cultural diversity and the extent to which they understand, accept and respect diversity. This is shown by their respect and attitudes towards different religious, ethnic and socio-economic groups in the local, national and global communities

Learning takes place through weekly lessons, daily acts of worship within classes, departments and whole school sessions. In addition to this there are opportunities throughout the academic year to take part in immersive religious celebrations, whole school events, visiting cultural and religious groups (in and out of school).

Healthy Schools

(subject lead – Kate, Lottie, Jo)

At Baytree School we are part of North Somerset’s ‘Healthy Schools’ network.

‘Schools have an important role in supporting emotional and physical health, for its own sake and the positive benefits it has on the ability of children to learn effectively’.

Our learner ‘Healthy School’ outcomes for 2022/23 are:

  • To increase the impact of learner voice across the school
  • To increase the number of learners who access play opportunities at playtimes

Our Baytree Learner School Council meets to review these outcomes and identify actions and priorities to meet them. Each class at Baytree School has a representative who is a member of the school council.


(subject lead – Lottie Pimm)

Baytree School places the needs of each student at the centre of all learning and planned experiences. This ethos is reflected in our Careers Policy which has been developed to meet the specific individual needs of our young people whilst following the Government Careers Strategy and Statutory Guidance.

At Baytree School the planned Careers Programme begins within the Primary curriculum following topics such as ‘all about me’ where exploration lessons centre upon our young people’s individual interests and strengths in relation to their future, work and further education.

These areas are explored further and in more depth from Year 7 to Year 14 through the planned curriculum enterprise projects, workplace encounters, work experience and careers schemes of work. Through these opportunities our young people learn about careers, opportunities to volunteer and encounters with employers both in and out of school.

The Baytree Careers Policy outlines how the school Careers Programme is designed to equip young people with the confidence and skills needed to prepare them for their future, which may include further/higher education and employment.

Our curriculum provides young people with opportunities to learn essential skills and enhance personal characteristics such as social skills, communication, independence and self-help.

Our learners will achieve personalised positive career outcomes such as identifying and choosing appropriate colleges and FE courses, developing independent living skills, supported internships and work placements.

Accordion Content

Baytree School Careers Programme follows the recommendations outlined in the Gatsby Benchmarks.

We aim to meet these in full by September 2022 and use the SEND toolkit to ensure provision for our young people aligns with the high standards of personal provision outlined within our curriculum.

Baytree School Compass Results

SEND Gatsby Benchmark Tool

All young people at Baytree School in years 8-13 receive careers support that:

  • is impartial
  • includes information on a range of pathways, including internships and apprenticeships
  • is adapted to meet the needs of the learners

Baytree School Careers subject lead – Aline Kay

Baytree School Careers Leader – Amanda Stephens

Contact: or 01934 427555

West of England Combined Authority:

Talentino careers programme -Leonard Cheshire:


Baytree School warmly welcomes visits from colleges, schools and other providers who can give our pupils and their families’ advice and information about their future options. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Aims and Objectives

This policy statement sets out the School’s arrangements for managing access to pupils by providers for the purpose of sharing information about their education or training offers.

Pupil Entitlement

All pupils in Years 8 – 13 are entitled to:

  • Have access to information from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer – through assemblies, discussions and taster events;
  • Understand how to make applications for appropriate courses (academic or technical);
  • Find out about all education and training opportunities available to them as part of a structured and impartial careers programme.

Providers are welcome to leave copies of their prospectus or other literature to be included in our Careers Library.

Opportunities for Access

A number of events integrated into the school careers programme offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.


Providers who wish to request access should contact:

Amanda Stephens – Careers Lead

Telephone: 01934 427555