Statutory Information


Safeguarding at Baytree School

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is everyone’s responsibility.

‘Children’ includes everyone under the age of 18. Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play. In order to fulfil this responsibility effectively, all practitioners should make sure their approach is child centred. This means that they should consider, at all times, what is in the best interests of the child.

Safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children is defined for the purposes of this guidance as:

• Providing help and support to meet the needs of children as soon as problems emerge
• Protecting children from maltreatment, whether that is within or outside the home, including online
• Preventing the impairment of children’s mental and physical health or development
• Ensuring that children grow up in circumstances consistent with the provision of safe and effective care
• Taking action to enable all children to have the best outcomes.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2024

Accordion Content

Aline Kay

Designated Safeguarding Lead


Edward Bowen-Roberts

Designated Safeguarding Lead Deputy


Kirsty Andres

Safeguarding Lead Governer

Matthew Hazelwood

Assistant Headteacher

Safeguarding Team

Jo Hughes


Safeguarding Team

Kate Lewis

Middle School Lead

Safeguarding Team

Lottie Pimm

Upper School/Post 16 Lead

Safeguarding Team

Kirsty Tudor

Healthcare Lead

Safeguarding Team

Ali Mason

Outreach Lead

Safeguarding Team

How Baytree School can help

Early Help requires that agencies should work together to ensure the child or young person gets the right response, and the right services, from the right people at the right time.

At Baytree School our aim is to support families meet identified needs early, and we are here to offer support, guidance and advice on specific issues or concerns either, on a 1:1 basis or identifying other agencies who can offer support and help.

For further information about Baytree Schools offer of Early Help please contact the Designated Safeguarding Lead or deputy via the school office:
01934 427555

If you want to know more about Early Help within North Somerset and how to access Family Wellbeing services, please contact:

Children’s Front door: 01275 888808

North Somerset’s Early Help Offer:  
Early Help | North Somerset Council (

Children’s Disability Team:
01275 888801


National Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Children


Child Exploitation and Online Protection

South West Child Protection Procedures

Adult Safeguarding Board | Adult Safeguarding Board (

Childrens Safeguarding Board | Childrens Safeguarding Board (

Educate Against Hate

Useful Contacts and Information

Baytree School Main Office 

Weston campus
01934 427555

Clevedon campus
01934 426555

If you have any concerns about the behaviour of someone working or volunteering with children or young people, please contact:

LADO – Local Authority Designated Officer via the Referral and Assessment Team:
01275 888211
or email

Single Point of Access / Children’s Front Door:
01275 888808 or

Out of hours’ social care Emergency Duty team:
01454 615165

Children’s Disability Team:
01275 888801

North Somerset Local Offer:
Local Offer | North Somerset Online Directory (

Childline | Childline


Next Link: Domestic Violence Hotline:
Next Link North Somerset domestic abuse services from Next Link Housing

Young minds:
0300123393 YoungMinds

Home – Mind

Off the Record:
0808 8089120
Home – OTR – North Somerset (

Action for Children:
0300 1232112

0808 8005000
NSPCC | The UK children’s charity | NSPCC

Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service – CAMHS
North Somerset Online Directory (

SEND and You

North Somerset Parents and Carers – NSPCWT:

Should you need to be signposted to any other agency, please contact school office directly.

Online Safety

At Baytree School we know how much our learners benefit and enjoy using IT and how it can help them to learn, communicate and socialise in many ways. As a school we strive for our learners to be confident and safe users of the Internet and of new technology as it develops:

  • As a school we deliver an approach to online safety, which empowers us to protect and educate the whole school community in its use of technology
  • Learners have access to a curriculum where online safety is taught and embedded
  • Learners will be taught to question information before accepting it is true
  • Learners will be encouraged to speak to trusted adults at Baytree School if they encounter something online which makes them feel unsafe or uncomfortable

Online safety is paramount to the safeguarding of all children and young people in the digital world. It is about learning to understand and use technologies in a positive way, and about supporting learners to develop safe online behaviours (both in and out of school). At Baytree School we ensure that learners are given the right information about how to stay safe whilst accessing all forms of social media and technology.

Please see below for suggestions of services and agencies which can provide support and further information:

UK Safer Internet:
Parents and Carers – UK Safer Internet Centre

NSPCC online safety helpline:
0808 800 5000
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC

Think you know:
Home | CEOP Education (

Internet Watch Foundation:
About Us | IWF

Childline | Childline

Bullying UK:
Cyber bullying | Bullying UK | Family Lives

South West Grid for Learning (SWGfL) social media checklists:
Social Media Checklists | SWGfL

Internet Matters

Baytree School Online Safety Policy – Nov 2023

Baytree School Social Media and Networking Policy – Nov 2022


Prevent is about safeguarding individuals from being drawn into terrorism, ensuring those vulnerable to extremist and terrorist ideas are given appropriate advice and support at an early stage.

The Prevent Duty Guidance makes it clear that frontline staff who engage with the public should:

  • understand what radicalisation means and why people may be vulnerable to being drawn into terrorism as a consequence of it.
  • be aware of what we mean by the term “extremism” and the relationship between extremism and terrorism.
  • know what measures are available to prevent people from becoming drawn into terrorism and how to challenge the extremist ideology that can be associated with it.
  • understand how to obtain support for people who may be being exploited by radicalising influences.

Every member of staff, employed by Baytree School, undergoes annual Prevent training. The designated safeguarding lead and deputy attend advanced Prevent (WRAP) training.

At Baytree School our PSHE and RE/SMSC curriculum aim to promote the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of learners and supports wider community cohesion. At Baytree School learners develop understanding and appreciation of diversity and fundamental British Values through our broad and balanced curriculum. 

Please see the links below for further advice and support

Educate Against Hate – Prevent Radicalisation & Extremism

Lets Talk about Radicalisation
Resources and information around staying safe online, spotting the potential signs of Radicalisation and where to gain support

Act Early: help and advice around what to do if you are worried about someone being radicalised


All admissions to Baytree are determined by the Local Authority (LA) following consultation with the school. The Governing Body is responsible for ensuring, to the best of their endeavours, that the provision specified in the Statement of Special Educational Needs (SEN) or Education Healthcare Plan (EHCP) is made available for the pupils placed at the school, from within their delegated budget.

In exceptional circumstances the LA allocates additional resources for specifically identified needs.


  1. The names of pupils are put forward by the LA.
  2. The LA sends copies of the Statement of SEN or Education and Healthcare Plan (EHCP) accompanying Appendices (supporting reports) to the school.
  3. The Headteacher discusses the needs and provision with the School Leadership Team.
  4. On behalf of the Governing Body Headteacher makes a decision as to whether the acceptance of the pupil is appropriate.
  5. In the case of dispute the full Governing Body is consulted.

The following criteria are used:

(i) Severe Learning Difficulties and/or Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties is specified as the main need in Part 2 of the Statement of SEN or in the ECHP(ii) Individual needs reflected in the Statement/ECHP can be met through provision/professional expertise/resources currently available.

(iii) Where there are exceptional circumstances an additional allocation of resources, e.g. for staffing, specialised furniture or equipment, is made available from the LA.

(iv) The needs of the pupil concerned are compatible with the interests of other pupils already in the school.

Special Educational Needs Team

Vulnerable Learners’ Service, Town Hall, Weston-super-Mare, BS23 1UJ.

Telephone: 01934 888294

The Special Educational Needs Team have information on the North Somerset Council website.

Equality Feedback

We are committed to seeking and acting on feedback from staff, pupils, parents and other stakeholders. We would like you to help us to be aware of you views on what is happening and how things could be even better.

Accordion Content

Do you feel our curriculum (including visits out of school and special events in school) fairly represent the different ethnicities, disabilities, sexualities and genders, within our community?

  • Yes: 27
  • No: 0
  • No Response: 3

Please tell us how you consider this could be even better:

  • Not sure
  • They are good in covering these aspects

Do you believe all pupils regardless of ethnicity/disability/sexuality/gender have the same wide access to school activities including out of school visits?

  • Yes: 28
  • No: 0
  • No Response: 2

Please tell us how you consider this could be even better:

  • Return to swimming and horseback riding
  • My child hasn’t long been at school and with Covid has been unable to go on visits so I am unable to comment
  • They are already very good


In the first instance we ask that parents/carers raise any concerns with their child’s teacher.

Complaints concern matters including the curriculum, religious education, the school’s provision of information the procedures provide for complaints to be directed initially to the Headteacher for an attempt to resolve them informally. If this fails, there is then a formal appeals procedure for parents/carers to follow.